The heart and soul


KC (her initials) was born in Ashclay, Montana on April 13th 1973 to Clint and Katia Casey. KC is the second of five children and was raised along with her other siblings on the Blackloch family ranch in Montana until she was 9. In 1982, she was sent to live with her paternal grandmother Mary to keep her company and stay out of trouble. Mary lived nextdoor to the young Hong family, and KC quickly became best friends with her neighbor- Joren.

Joren and KC remained completely inseprable until 1987 when she was compelled to move back to the family stead after her father suffered an injury. KC would make sparse visits to Village Green until Mary would die of natural causes in the November of 1992. After some litigation and months of heated arguments with her parents, she would inherit and move into her grandmother's house permanently in the spring of 1993. After stretching her ranch hand money a few months, she eventually got hired as a security guard at Flash Industries.

In early 1994 KC formed the metal group Graven Image with a few friends and co-workers.

Get home!

Gotta light?